Download the printer user manual here
Have you lost your printer's user manual? Don't worry, we at the ink cartridge online store have already found the links to the user manual download pages on the manufacturer's support websites. Downloading the user manual is of course free.
Sometimes there is a problem with the use of the printer's toner cartridge or drum, which cannot be found in the manufacturer's instructions. For example, the printer manufacturer does not reveal the "secret" key combinations known to the printer servicemen, which can be used to reset the cartridge's page counter, which means you can continue printing for several hundred more pages, even if the printer reports that the ink cartridge is empty . Of course, the device manufacturer wants you to buy a new toner cartridge as soon as possible. In addition, the device manufacturer does not actively promote the use of compatible accessories or replacement cartridges from other manufacturers. So if you can't find advice in the user manual, you should do as you usually do quite often these days, i.e. look on Google. Youtube is also a useful tool, especially when you are wondering how to change the cartridge in your printer or what to do if the printer does not recognize that the cartridge has been changed (in Brother printers, the page counter usually needs to be reset). Unfortunately, there are significantly fewer unofficial instructions that can be Googled in Finnish, which means that a basic knowledge of the English language is, unfortunately, an absolute requirement in this matter. The best way to find information is to use the exact model of your printer as a search term and add a keyword or two about the problem as a search term in English. For example, if your Brother printer does not recognize the new cartridge, i.e. reports that the color has run out, even though you just changed the cartridge, the page counter must be reset. Then Google for example "Brother DCP-7030 Toner reset" and you will find help in English, and sometimes a link will open even officially on the pages of the device manufacturer.
Here at online store, we help and advise free of charge, whenever necessary, in all questions related to the installation or use of our toner cartridges or the printer drums we sell. So if you don't know which color cartridge fits your printer, you can contact us by calling, via live chat or of course also by email, and we will be happy to help. Of course, you can also turn to us in case of problems, and we will try to help as best we can. You will also find instructions on where you can deliver the empty cartridges in an environmentally friendly way.
However, here are the official instructions for use. So download the new official printer user manuals for free from the links below:
Instructions for use of BROTHER printers
User manuals for SAMSUNG printers
User manuals for CANON printers
User manuals for EPSON printers
User manuals for XEROX printers
User manuals for LEXMARK printers
User manuals for RICOH printers